Steve and Emily made this for Ginny's indoor birthday picnic - deeelishis!
Emily says: The dough is a really simple bread I make all the time for pizza and flat bread and stuffed bread. It has quite a lot of yeast and sugar so it rises fast which is good because we always seem to be in a hurry.

Bread dough
4 cups high grade or strong flour
1 tsp salt
1 cup warm water 
1 tbsp active yeast
1 tbsp sugar

Dissolve sugar and yeast in water and leave until frothy. Mix into flour and add more water to make a kneadable dough. Knead and leave covered until doubled. Knock back and divide into 2 or 3 balls roll out to form a squarish pizza and spread filling on, leaving a strip along on edge with no filling to form the outside edge. Roll up and pinch the edge together so the filling doesn't fall out. Place on an oiled or floured tray and dust the top with flour or brush with oil. Score with diagonal lines and leave to rise a bit more or cook immediately depending how late you are running. Cook at about 200C until its cooked, might be about 20 mins, I don't have a timer so I'm not sure.

Onion and feta filling
Sweat onion in olive oil and add a splash of balsamic and a sprinkle of brown sugar. spread onto bread dough and crumble over Danish feta from Khyber Spice in Sandringham Rd.

250g peeled ginger
125g garlic
60g fresh chillies
50ml vinegar
make above ingredients into a paste in the food processor
250ml oil
90g black mustard seeds
90g cumin seeds
30g ground tumeric
40g chilli powder
quickly fry these ingredients in the hot oil then add:
2kg tomatoes
60g salt
100ml vinegar
100g sugar
and add the ginger paste, cook until desired consistency, place in sterile jars while still hot.

The kasundi and cheese bread was just kasundi and grated cheese.