What to do with leftover cooked lentils and ready-rolled pastry? Make a good ol’ pie with bottom and top crust.
I blind baked the bottom crust for about 20-25 mins at 180 C.
I made the filling by sautéing these finely chopped veges:
1 onion
3 cloves garlic, crushed
1 carrot
1 stick celery
1 pepper
few sundried tomatoes
1 tsp dried oregano
1 tsp dried marjoram
1 tsp cumin
1 tsp coriander powder
salt and pepper

To the cooked veges I added 2 cups cooked brown lentils and 3 tbs of caramelized onions I had made before.
(I like getting bargains from Harvest Wholefoods’ seconds tray. They had a whole bag of organic onions for $2. They all needed peeling quite well to get rid of any bruised parts but they made a big batch of beautiful caramelized onions.)
Fill the crust with the filling and put another layer of crust on top, pinching the sides down well. Poke a couple of air holes in the top. Brush with beaten egg. Bake for around 30 mins until pastry is golden brown and cooked through.

Next time I’m going to try make my own pastry!